Rishikesh Bungee Jumping: Scary, Horrible but Worth

Blog No: 21--->

Rishikesh has always been on my top bucket list. In the year 2017, when I visited here for the first time, I got to know what the word 'Adventure' actually meant. I had taken part in the rafting activities and also experienced my first paragliding here, the thrill surpassed me. The experience was something I will cherish forever. Post it, I started researching more and on about Uttarakhand and the adventure activities offered here. And in 2019, I made my mind to head there solo. I finalized that I would opt for bungee Jumping and 16 km rafting.

This post is solely about my bungee jumping experience. Until the last day, I was quite unsure if I should go ahead with bungee jumping or no, browsing through the website daily till the payment page only to close the tab. I did obviously make that jump, and you must be thinking how did I overcome this anxiousness and fear, rather than browsing the site again, I just went up to Jumpin Heights office, which offers Bungee Jumping, the office is just 5 mins walk from Rishikesh Zostel. When I was sure about my decision to book my Jump, all the slots were full and I was put on the waiting list. So you see here, God was hinting me not to do it. But I tried to steer through my thoughts and the immediate next day I found myself at 8:00 AM standing at their booking office, to secure my seat and luckily I got one. And without wasting another moment I was on my way towards the bungee jumping point, around 16 km away.

Here is some information for you, or for those who are interested in Bungee Jumping. Jumpin Heights also provides bus service inclusion of pick up and drop with a charge of 400Rs. The early you reach the point, the faster is the process as they take you sequentially. The first jump starts at 10:00 AM. If you are a bit early and waiting, you could even sit at their small cafeteria. At 9:30AM they start taking in people in a batch 10's, moving towards checking your weight and giving you a locker to keep your belongings. After all the checks, you travel to the actual bungee point which is a 10 mins walk. One can see a waiting section on the bridge, It's over here you can see people jumping one after the other, I am sure you are to have a shiver run down your spine on witnessing this. On your turn, you have to cross the bridge. I remember my moment on the bridge I was confused whether I should go ahead with this or have I done a mistake enrolling in this. That moment I felt I should have quit but something in me wasn't giving up. So I voluntarily informed them that I would like to go in first, getting it done as soon as possible. As I started walking on the bridge I was left mesmerized by the beauty around.

There are a total of 4 checks before you make that jump.
1. Weight check and your safety gear on.

2. Checking whether your safety guards are in place and locked onto you properly.

3. The third check is done by an expert from a foreign country. He locks the jumping rope on your legs.

4. Finally, you're given a final check and you are taken to the edge of the bridge.

The beautiful part of this, through it all when you're contemplating if you should make that jump, all throughout the checkpoint you're given motivation talks to boost you up, thus keeping you focussed. Jumpin Heights gives you a total two attempts to jump, so try to jump in the first attempt only. If you fail on the first attempt they pull you back, unlock your guards and talk to you about your fears and motivate you to make that jump. My moment on the edge was filled with fear. I looked below, at a height of 83 meters I just could feel my body shaking and not making a move, but I was not going to give up and before I knew it I took the plunge and jumped. The blood rushing inside my body and just imagining my death in front of me. The rebound is a scary part, I just couldn't keep my eyes open for it. I guess if my eyes were open, I would have surely had my heart popped out. Literally screaming my lungs out, I was just yelling to get me down as soon as possible. But then I realized post the jump nobody gives a thought about you. The moment I touched the ground I was totally numb and just couldn't believe what I did a few minutes back. I overcame one of the worst fear and till today that jump is so fresh with me and shall be forever. On returning to the point office, you will receive a video of your jump at a charge of Rs 900 along with a certificate and a badge which reads "I GOT GUTS"

You can also watch my bungee jumping video on my Instagram, link is given below.

Suggestions and edit are always welcomed. If you need in-depth details of the trip you can connect with me on:




Thank you :)


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